Beijingmassage The Moyo(莫優) Spa & Massgae center Beijing out call massage: +86-13693272025 +86-13611117389 Whats ID:+86-13693272025 Wechat ID: +86-13693272025 Welcome to Moyo Massage & Spa Center We are a unique Wellness Center dedicated to providing affordable, convenient and highly customized therapeutic massage and skincare services for you and your entire family. Aroma Oil Massage------RMB 298 / 60 minutes HongKong Massage------RMB 298 / 60 minutes Chinese Massage ------RMB 298 / 60 minutes Lymphatic Massage ------RMB 498 / 90 minutes Facial Treatment ------RMB 398 / 60 minutes Slimming Massage ------RMB 338 / 60 minutes Shiatsu Massage ------RMB 338 / 60 minutes Hot Stone Massage ------RMB 498 / 60 minutes Deep Tissue Massage ------RMB 398 / 60 minutes Head Massage ------RMB 168 / 30 minutes Neck and Shoulder Massage ------RMB168 / 30 minutes Reflexology ------RMB298 / 60 minutes Gua Sha Massage ------RMB 300 / 60 minutes Cupping Massage ------RMB 300 / 60 minutes Moxibustion Massage ------RMB 300 / 60 minutes Numerous benefits of massage on a regular basis can reduce fatigue, relieve stress reduction, promote blood circulation, improve muscle stiffness and strengthen the immune system. Long-term exercise, stretch the lead to tendon strain, may also be relief massage. Welcome To Massage center #Beijingmassage #massageinBeijing #Beijingoutcallmassage #Beijinghotelmassage #Beijinghoteloutcallmassage
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